Friday, September 02, 2005


Please go over here to Been There. They have a system set up where you can list what you have to donate to the victims of Katrina. Baby items, everyday house items, diapers, baby food, formula, clothing, shoes, coats, blankets... whatever you have that you would like to donate, please post it there. Please pass this information along to others, so they can do the same.

More links:

Karmus.Com Photos of missing

Oxygen Campaign

Missing Persons

Network For Good

Salvation Army

Catholic Charities

And finally a page full of complete links for help, how to help, where to help:
CNN Help Center

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Changing the mood

With near apocalypse going on down south. I have to change the mood on here for my own sanity. Days of endless CNN coverage of death and destruction has sent me into a teary spiral. I can't do this to myself. Thank you God for my family and for my home being in a safe place. All we get is occasional snowfall of 3 feet. Or below zero weather. A tornadoe in country places. Or a small flood.

So now, on to the fun topic.

I stoled this from my DOM Maddie.
I like it, here it go:

Blog Secrets
Wanna Play?

Leave an anonymous comment telling one secret you wont/can't blog about, and if you are so inclined...why? I'll jump in when the water's warm.